Posted by vmadmin on September 06, 2012 in All News, Updates

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Venue Magic Show Control has announced the addition of Capture Polar 3D visualizer integration to their VenueMagic Show Control software platform. Adding to VenueMagic’s already comprehensive Show Control solution, Capture Polar 3D visualizer integration allows VenueMagic users to incorporate Capture Polar show design software directly with VenueMagic, further streamlining and centralizing show control.

Capture Polar brings the ability to create real-time shadows, volumetric beams, realistic color mixing and HDR mapping with your lighting equipment giving live performers, visual artists, haunted houses, production houses, museums, houses of worship and a variety of other lighting applications a powerful lighting visualization tool with VenueMagic’s ability to synchronize audio, video and lighting control.

VenueMagic interfaces with Capture Polar 3D Visualizer via Ethernet, allowing users to run Capture Polar on the same computer or another computer connected via a network or crossover cable. Once connected, VenueMagic gives users several tools and features designed to help simplify the process of using Capture Polar to visually display VenueMagic playback.

“VenueMagic strives to make controlling audio, visual, and lighting synchronization and control easier yet also more powerful,” explains Barry Seiden, Vice President of Sales and Marketing of VenueMagic. “With Capture Polar 3D visualizer integration, VenueMagic incorporates advanced lighting design using the acclaimed Capture Polar lighting visualization software directly into VenueMagic’s centralized workflow and hardware management.”

VenueMagic supports interfacing to the Capture Polar 3D Visualizer versions 2.8.11 and above. The Capture Polar visualizer is not included with VenueMagic and must be purchased separately (

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